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Richland County CHNA Survey Available

Source: Google Maps

Richland County CHNA Survey Available

Jo Ann Krulatz

Jan 9, 2025, 11:37 AM CST



Over the next few months, The Richland Hospital and Clinics (TRHC) will be working to update the Richland County 2022 Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA). The process begins with a community-wide, anonymous survey, available in both English and Spanish, which helps TRHC determine vital health and wellness services needed in our area.

Strong survey participation is necessary to determine the status of current health care delivery and uncover any unmet resident needs. The goal of this update is to understand progress from past community health needs assessments conducted in 2019 and 2022 while collecting up-to-date community health perceptions and identifying potentially changing needs.

The brief survey link can be accessed beginning today (January 9) by visiting The Richland Hospital and Clinics website at Richland Hospital dot com. All TRHC community residents and business leaders are encouraged to complete this online survey by February 7. In addition, a Community Health Needs Assessment Town Hall meeting to discuss the survey findings and identify unmet needs will be held Thursday, March 20.

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